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Arts Business Academy presents:
Audition Boost

This 14-day Challenge greatly improves how well you perform an audition monologue of your choice

Tell me more
Select a monologue of your choice prior to signing up. It could be a script you have performed previously and want to refine, or one you've just picked up and would like to add to your repertoire.

You will receive a daily exercise and training video to help you dig deeper into the script and performance, giving you the opportunity to experiment and find exciting new angles and approaches.

Throughout the two week course, you will be required to film and submit daily performances of your monologue. You should put aside 1-2 hours per day on average.

Audition Boost access costs $29.95 USD
Features of Audition Boost
  • Select your own monologue and learn the script before you start the Challenge
  • Receive a daily video with tips on how to do your monologue differently
  • Film and submit performances every day for 14 days, taking different approaches each time

If you are not already a Arts Business Academy Member, you will receive a sign-up email after purchase. This gives you access to our Member portal. It is free to join.
 Vancouver based actress Tatiana Alexeeva says... 
An amazing course that is totally worth the cost. I love the pace, and various "filters" to run the same monologue through. It helps create a more profound performance of the chosen piece. 
Sign up to Audition Boost now — the course will start at midnight!
Audition Boost starts at midnight the day you sign up! For example, if you complete the payment form below at 9pm, your first email will arrive in 3 hours at midnight.

Every day at midnight, you'll receive a different challenge for your chosen monologue. You have 24 hours to film and submit a new version of your piece based on the day's instructions. This continues for 14 days.

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Order Summary - all prices in USD
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